Facing criminal charges is a precarious situation for anyone. Regardless of how confident you are in your innocence. It is natural you feel a certain level of concern and worry over your pending charges. You want to do everything possible to ensure you are relieved of any future consequences. The first thing to do when you are charged with a criminal offense is to quickly enlist the help of a Rochester criminal defense attorney you can trust. Such as The Law Office of Frank Ciardi. However, not many people realize the next thing to do is disconnect from all social media. Even if you completely trust your judgment regarding your post, the prosecution will work around the clock to find evidence to incriminate you.

Social Media Can Be Damaging

Nowadays, it is highly uncommon for anyone not to have some form of social media. Usually linked to a personal email, full name, or even a phone number. This means it is straightforward for anyone and everyone to trace your accounts back to you. Social media can damage your criminal defense case. Police departments now use it to find evidence, charge, and convict people. Our legal team advises you to suspend your accounts until your case is resolved. You may inadvertently give the opposition a chance to strengthen their case against you. No matter how “private” your account may be, nothing is impermeable against the law.

Contact Our Rochester Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges and you are worried about where to turn for the right legal counsel, care, and representation, look no further than The Law Office of Frank Ciardi. We’re led by a trusted Rochester criminal defense attorney with the skill, tenacity, and experience necessary to clear you of any pending charges. Allow our knowledgeable legal team to be there for you in your time of need.

Are you interested in speaking to a member of our trusted legal team? Contact us at your earliest convenience by calling (585) 232-6830.

The information in this blog is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter.

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