Harvey Weinstein Facing Allegations of Sexual Assault
The news spread like wildfire. The Harvey Weinstein scandal is rocking the world. The Hollywood mogul has sexual assault allegations from countless women in the acting industry. These shocking allegations are constantly being updated with a bevy of the latest information on the case. More and more women are coming out to condemn his actions. This has resulted in Weinstein’s firing from the company he co-founded and a general falling from grace.
As you may already know, sexual assault allegations are met with great penalties. This is especially true depending on the particulars of the situation at hand. This is why allegations of sexual assault or misconduct are taken so seriously. Which they absolutely should be. However, this does not mean there are not instances in which false accusations are made against an innocent person. These accusations completely destroy the accused’s personal and professional life for good. This is why, if you are in this very situation, it is incredibly important you enlist in the help of a Rochester criminal defense lawyer who will fight for your rights until your name is cleared.
Contact Our Trusted Rochester Criminal Defense Attorney Today
The Law Office of Frank Ciardi is led by a strongminded, experienced, and skilled Rochester criminal defense lawyer who is determined to succeed on your behalf–unlike any you’ve ever seen. If you have been accused or charged with some form of sexual misconduct or sexual assault, there is no reason to wait to enlist in the help of our aggressive legal team. We refuse to stand by and watch your entire life go up in flames–allow us to fight for your reputation, freedom, and life today. Contact us today if you have been accused of sexual assault. We are here to help clear your name.